Sunday, February 21, 2010

Three Weeks Away

The time is really moving so fast! I can't believe that we will be relocated to the D.R. in three weeks! The movers come in 2 weeks and then we will be moving in with T's parents for a week. This week is my last week at work, I am going to miss everyone a lot and I don't want to say goodbye to my students! I know that I am going to be taking time off to get us settled in our new life so this really is my last week of work for a while, but I fully plan on working while we are there.
I have been doing my favorite thing, the one thing that makes me super excited for the move, SHOPPING! I have been buying sheets for the guest rooms and looking for fun and pretty decorations for the walls. Since the house is furnished I need to add things that make it our house. I have no idea what kind of bulk items Tomas and I need to ship down, I'm not picky about food and will try anything(Tomas says that makes me a perfect FSO wife)! I think I'll buy stuff like contact solution and medicines that we might need, and dog food for Bailey.

Anyways that's all for now I have to go through more stuff for the movers!!


Friday, February 12, 2010

There is a mouse in my house!!!

THERE IS A MOUSE IN MY HOUSE!!! A very tiny field mouse that crawled out from under our stove
. Great so now on top of getting our house rented we have to "demouse" our house!! Lets add it to the list of already a million things to get done before March...


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Almost a month away!

Hey all!

Tomas and I are being posted (although I say we are moving but that's wrong and T has since stopped correcting me) to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic on March 16th!!! At first I wasn't excited at all and I still have moments where I feel completely overwhelmed but today? I'm excited. Our parents are throwing us a going away party this Saturday with as my mom puts it-typical Dominican drink-which means rum! Anyways, I am very new to the blogging scene and I am sorry for my lack of a good post!!

Here's our life, Welcome to it!!
